Quiet Comfort: Emily Beisel
@ Comfort Station Logan Square
2579 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Thursday, March 28th, at 7PM
Doors: 7:00
Show: 7:30
Emily Rach Beisel is a Chicago-based improviser, composer, educator, curator and woodwind specialist. Beisel is known for visceral performances blending extended vocal and instrumental techniques with analogue electronics and rich bass clarinet tone. Their solo album Particle of Organs has been described as “Operatic, wild and dark. It showcases the raw, unadulterated power of the body and the instrument, weaving together sounds that are both corrosive and tender.”
As a curator, Beisel seeks to increase the visibility and involvement of femme, trans and nonbinary artists in the creative music community. They founded the Pleiades Series at Elastic Arts, presenting monthly performances along with a community-based free improvisation jam for femme and nonbinary performers.
Beisel is a member of the contemporary ensemble Fonema Consort, touring most recently in Brazil, Mexico, Minneapolis and New York and premiering works of living composers including James Dillon, Richard Barrett and Julio Estrada. Beisel holds a Master of Music degree from Northwestern University and is a member of the American Federation of Musicians Local 10-208.
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Tags: Chicago, Comfort Station Logan Square, Emily Rach Beisel, Logan Square, Quiet Comfort, Quiet Comfort: Emily Beisel

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