@ ARC Gallery
1463 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60642
Opening Friday, March 1st, from 5PM - 8PM
On view through Friday, March 22nd
Humanity’s fascination with issues of the mind fails to account for its fragility and how quickly everything can unravel. There is an unspoken expectation when creating work about mental health that it is based strictly on trauma. My artwork is informed by delving into divergent issues that come from mental health while combating societal stigma surrounding speaking about these struggles. The outlining on my sculptures emphasize that these figures are not defined by their mental health. I utilize my own positive and negative experiences while using imagery found in science fiction, comic books and gothic art and architecture, and most importantly objects that exist in my personal space. I create heroic female figures and items that fuel my world that extend into the monumental. The resulting sculptures explore ritual, comfort and destigmatize the viewer to see the humanity in the entire spectrum of wellbeing.
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Tags: ARC Gallery, Chicago, N. Dia Webb, West Town

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