Feb 18th 2024

Join us Sunday, February 18th at 1:30 pm for Immense Journeys: Art, Nature, Science and Beyond Artist Talk with Melissa Jay Craig, Lisa A. Frank, and Anne Hughes. This artist talk will be moderated by Alexandra Senycia.

Melissa Jay Craig, Lisa A. Frank, and Anne Hughes lead lives rich in creative experiences informed by nature. Day by day, art practice and the natural world awaken shoots of imaginative reflections and actions. This exhibition brings together varied, visual art forms to stand on their own and resonate off the others through surprising interconnections (just like nature itself). A purposeful confluence provides many pathways into appreciation of process and range. It allows for thoughtful exploration of the infinite ways in which nature affects our lives and we affect nature. Presented here are works by three artists who, over decades, have embraced the wonders of nature and witnessed results of human actions and inactions. Deepfelt desires, to share their personal artworks and stir the passions of others to engage, reside at the heart of this exhibition. There is no one-way in. Creativity and nature inspire, confound, amaze, and amuse.

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