Aug 31st 2023

Healing House

@ Heaven Gallery

1550 N Milwaukee Ave #2, Chicago, IL 60622

Opening Thursday, August 31st, from 6PM - 10PM

On Thursday, August 31st from 6-10PM, join us for this Virgo b-day bash for our director, Alma Wieser featuring two amazing Virgo DJs Cordell Johnson ( @johnson.cordell ) and Steve Maxwell ( @djstevemaxwell )

Healing House is an event that uses the power of the sounds and vibrations of House music for mind, body and soul healing. ⁠This dance session aims to create a safe space for fellowship and wellness. Reframing party culture with early evening hours not centered around drinking. Healing House is about building community on the dance floor⁠ 💗

This event is free – juice, tea, and water will be served.⁠

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