Apr 6th 2023

Kyriakos Apostolidis

Kyriakos Apostolidis (b.1991) is a performance artist from Greece. Exploring the term Morphoplastic, Apostolidis’s art research deals with the concept of living sculpture in performance art. How the body is able to render symbolic forms of human existence through its movement plasticity, by activating the expressive potentials of the so-called “body intelligence”.

Apostolidis graduated from the School of Visual and Applied Arts at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (2017), and also studied at the Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Granada (2014). Currently, he is pursuing his MFA in Performance at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, with the support of Alexis Minotis’s endowment scholarship “In Memory of Katina Paxinos”, administered by the National Bank Cultural Foundation (MIET).

IG: @kyriakos_apostolidis

J Jiang

J Jiang (b. 2000, Shanghai, China) is a multidisciplinary artist based in Chicago and Shanghai. She is pursuing BFA at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Jiang uses art to live through boringness in a singular reality. She degrades objects to their literal contents by visible, invisible, and locations, then reassembles them to construct an alternative and possible reality which is legitimate in materiality but out of the shared experience. Imagining the uncontrollable subject, boringness is replaced by an awareness of the existential crisis and the agency to misbehave.

IG: @theashesofmymind


Mao (b. 1995, China) is a movement and time-based artist.

Mao’s interests in the body concern time, restless ennui, the deceptive, and the unfinished everything. She works with movements, texts, and functional/dysfunctional/found/ready-made objects, ripening herself through absurdity and humor.

IG: @maoaoaoaoaoaomao

Che Pai

Che Pai (b. 1988; Taipei, Taiwan) is a multidisciplinary artist whose inspiration comes from studies in literature, slow cinema, and the physical theatre of Tai Chi. Through these practices, his awareness is fully opened; internal sensations of the body hence flow like water. The photographs, movements, and moving images serve as mediums through which the inner state resonates with happenstances.

Che holds an MA degree in Literature from National Taiwan University, and since then he embraces collaboration with artists. He had been working with award-winning director Hsin Yin Sung as a researcher, organizing shows for Ta-Chao Production as the leading performer, and programming educational events at the National Center of Photography and Images in Taiwan.

WEBSITE: https://paichejeff.wixsite.com/chepai/single-project

IG: @chechepai

Mallory Yanhan Qiu

Mallory Yanhan Qiu (b. 2000, Chongqing, China) is a multidisciplinary artist based in Chicago, Illinois.She has deep passion in the areas of live video and sound performance, sonic exploration, body movement, poetry, and digital visual art.

Fueled by her curiosity in the realm of physical sensation and mimicking biological movements, Qiu endeavors to invert the familiar and discover memory-laden locations that exist simultaneously in proximity and distance. Through examination of the tumultuous fluctuations of daily life, she endeavors to bridge the gaps between space, physicality, and recollection. By seamlessly integrating elements of movement, auditory study, and visual art, Qiu creates works that probe and expand upon one’s experiences and perspectives in both the physical and virtual spheres.

WEBSITE: https://www.mallory-qiu.com

IG: @qiumallory

Yalin Zhao

IG: @linpanacee

Yezhou Zheng

WEBSITE: https://vimeo.com/user84890550

IG: @zhengyezhou_

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