Soy Boricua
@ The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture
3015 W Division St, Chicago, Illinois 60622
On view through Saturday, December 16th
The contributions of art made by women—especially women of color—in the field of art history has yet to be fully recognized because of exclusionary gendered and racial practices.
In the spirit of collaboration and inclusivity, Soy Boricua, or I am Boricua, highlights the contributions of thirteen non-male artists to Chicago’s ever-growing Diasporican art scene. Each artist highlighted in Soy Boricua explores their expansive identities and how they intersect in their own ways. From digital collage to painting to glasswork to photography, the artists included in this exhibition expand beyond the conceived binaries of what art made by Puerto Ricans can be.
This exhibition will include educational programming by the artists year-round—encouraging people to learn, be inspired, and tap into their creativity. NMPRAC is committed to help grow each artist’s creative businesses by promoting their art in our Museum’s galleries, giftshop, and across all of our platforms.
Stay tuned for more information about how you can support our local Boricua Artists!
Date: 10 Mar 2023 – 16 Dec 2023
Curators:Anaís Cezanné Caro
Artist: Elimagdy Amaro, Michelle Gomez, Sandra Antongiorgi, Janice Aponte, Rebel Betty, Migdalia Galarza, Melissa Gomez, Michelle Gomez, Sam Kirk, Erica Perez, Patricia Perez, Lorimar Matos, Nohemi Moran.
3015 W Division St, Chicago, IL 60622
Tuesday-Friday 10am – 5pm
Friday 10am -4pm
Saturday 10am – 2pm
Contact Us
1 (773) 486-8345
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Tags: Chicago, Elimagdy Amaro, Erica Perez, Humboldt Park, Janice Aponte, Lorimar Matos, Melissa Gomez, Michelle Gomez, Migdalia Galarza, Nohemi Moran, Patricia Perez, Rebel Betty, Sam Kirk, Sandra Antongiorgi, The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture

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