lens 2023
@ Perspective Gallery
1310-1/2 Chicago Ave, Evanston, IL 60201
Opening Saturday, March 4th, from 5PM - 7PM
On view through Sunday, March 26th
Executive Director of the Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA. Artists have been selected by our Juror, Crista Dix for Lens 2023. These artists are from 11 states and the country of France. There were approximately 1150 images submitted from 232 entries spanning 32 States and 7 countries including the U.S. We are proud of these selections and look forward to the Opening of Lens 2023 on Thursday, March 2, 2023. The Virtual artist Talk will take place on Tuesday, March 14th at 7 p.m.
Work by: Debra Achen, Zemula Barr, Gary Beeber, Cate Brown, Jonathan Castillo, Gina Costa, Beth Delagi, Tony DeVarco, Jorge Ariel Escobar, Donna Garcia, Jeanne Garrett, Valerio Geraci, Joseph Kayne, Richard Koenig, Merle Litowitz, Blady Liu, Jack Long, Kevin Lyle, Roddy Macinnes, Ann Prochilo, Andre Ramos-Woodard, Joan Ruppert, Leah Schretenthaler, Denis Sivack, Noah Vaughn, Suzanne Theodora White, Tom Van Eynde
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Tags: André Ramos-Woodard, Ann Prochilo, Beth Delagi, Blady Liu, Cate Brown, Debra Achen, Denis Sivack, Donna Garcia, Evanston, Gary Beeber, Gina Costa, Illinois, Jack Long, Jeanne Garrett, Joan Ruppert, Jonathan Castillo, Jorge Ariel Escobar, Joseph Kayne, Kevin Lyle, Leah Schretenthaler, lens 2023, Merle Litowitz, Noah Vaughn, Perspective Gallery, Richard Koenig, Roddy Macinnes, Suzanne Theodora White, Tom Van Eynde, Tony DeVarco, Valerio Geraci, Zemula Barr

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