A Flatfiles Show
@ Goldfinch
319 N Albany Ave, Chicago, IL 60612
Opening Sunday, March 5th, from 2PM - 5PM
On view through Saturday, April 15th
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to view works from our Flatfiles on gallery walls! We’ve taken numerous works out of the Flatfiles and displayed them throughout Gallery 2, thereby giving visitors a chance to view the breadth of this program of accessibly-priced artworks in person and without an advanced appointment. Goldfinch’s Flatfiles Program aims to make original contemporary artworks available to a wider audience. It encompasses painting, drawing, collage, prints, photographs, small sculptures, mixed media pieces and any other work that can be housed in the drawers of our flatfile cabinet, the vast majority of which are priced at $1500 or below — and many can be acquired for $600 or less.
Mara Baker, Leslie Baum, Yesenia Bello, Mary Bergs and Robin Dluzen, Matt Brett, Robin Dluzen, Kevin Blake, Meghan Borah, Holly Cahill, Amanda Joy Calobrisi, Howard Fonda, Dianna Frid, Diana Gabriel, Madeline Gallucci, Jasper Goodrich, Anne Harris, Cameron Harvey, Miranda Javid, Minami Kobayashi, Jenny Kendler, Kuras & MacKenzie, Damon Locks, Victoria Martinez, Jordan Martins, Nicole Mauser, Kate McQuillen, Jessie Mott, Monika Müller, Holly Murkerson, Marissa Chris Zain Neuman, Melissa Oresky, Sherwin Ovid, Erin Patton-McFarren, Marina Ross, Edra Soto, Cassie Tompkins, Tsai-Ling Tseng, Irene Wa., Xinyan Wang,Scott Wolniak, Gwendolyn Zabicki
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Tags: A Flatfiles Show, Amanda Joy Calobrisi, Anne Harris, Cameron Harvey, Cassie Tompkins, Chicago, Damon Locks, Diana Gabriel, Dianna Frid, East Garfield Park, Edra Soto, Erin Patton-McFarren, Flatfiles, Goldfinch, Gwendolyn Zabicki, Holly Cahill, Holly Murkerson, Howard Fonda, Irene Wa, Jasper Goodrich, Jenny Kendler, Jessie Mott, Jordan Martins, Kate McQuillen, Kevin Blake, Kuras-MacKenzie, Leslie Baum, Madeline Gallucci, Mara Baker, Marina Ross, Marissa Chris Zain Neuman, Mary Bergs and Robin Dluzen, Matt Brett, Meghan Borah, Melissa Oresky, Minami Kobayashi, Miranda Javid, Monika Muller, Nicole Mauser, Robin Dluzen, Scott Wolniak, Sherwin Ovid, Tsai-Ling Tseng, Victoria Martinez, Xinyan Wang, Yesenia Bello

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