“Woven Memories” is an exhibition of collaborative weavings created by blind artists from Chicago’s Friedman Place. This work is the culmination of a National Endowment for the Arts funded program at the Friedman Place Weaving Studio. Guest artist Gabriel Akagawa collaborated with blind artists and their weaving instructors to create sensuous works that embody notions of time, experiences, and storytelling. Each weaver utilized looms with traditional and unorthodox materials responding to color and composition, thread dimension and weight, materiality and sound, time and travel, memory and monument, concept and context.
Friedman Place is a non-profit organization that provides programs for people who are blind. The Supportive Living Program includes housing, meals, health services, and activities – like the therapeutic weaving program – to 95 adults who are blind each year. Two community-based programs, The Navigator and Rent Assistance programs, help an additional 100 adults who are blind gain connections to resources that promote independent living. This includes 18 Rent Assistance clients who receive rent subsidies of 50% of their rent up to $300/month. More information about eligibility for these programs or how to support them may be found at www.friedmanplace.org.
Artist in Residence:
Gabriel Akagawa
Weaving Instructors:
Julia Blake
Lindsey Wilson
Weavers: William | Jennifer | Julie | Allen | Rachel | Ann | Javier | Zach | Cameron | Alice | Rose | Lisa | Ben | Brandon | Alana
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