Zine Camp
@ Humboldt Park
1331 N Humboldt Dr, Chicago, IL 60622
Opening Sunday, July 17th, from 3PM - 5PM
Pack up your long-arm stapler, grab your sunscreen, and meet us at Zine Camp! If you love zines, you’re invited to our in-person, outdoor summer hangout this month.
Join us at 3-5 p.m. CT on Sunday, July 17 in Chicago’s Humboldt Park. We’ll have s’mores, snacks, and some fun surprises … feel free to drop in anytime and stay for as long as you like.
Where to find us in Humboldt Park:
We’ll be on the park side of North Avenue between Mozart Street and Francisco Avenue (just west of the intersection of California Avenue and North Avenue). **
Look for the Zine Camp flag flying proudly!
What to bring to camp (if you choose):
• Zines to trade (your own or your faves by other zinemakers)
• Snacks to share
• A beverage (we recommend bug juice)
• Sunscreen and bug spray if you need it
• Something to sit on (blanket, camp chair, etc.)
• A face mask if you want to wear one
Newbies and longtime enthusiasts alike are welcome at Zine Camp! This free event is brought to you by Zine Club Chicago + Zine Party.
More info at zine.camp
* Post-event gathering + BAD WEATHER LOCATION info: After Zine Camp wraps up in the park at 5 p.m., a group of us will head over to the outdoor patio at the Hi-Lo (1110 N. California Ave.) to continue the revelry! The Hi-Lo patio (which has tables covered with umbrellas) also will be our alternate Zine Camp gathering spot in case of rain — please keep an eye on the Zine Club Chicago social media accounts (@zineclubchicago) for updates if the weather is not conducive to a park gathering.
** Please note that the closest public restrooms that we know will be open during our event are just across North Avenue at Burger King (2840 W. North Ave.; purchase may be required to use facilities) and a few blocks down North Avenue at Cermak Produce (2701 W. North Ave.; purchase not required to use facilities). We know this isn’t ideal, but we couldn’t confirm that any public restrooms within the park will be open.
Official Website
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Tags: Chicago, Humboldt Park, Zine Camp, Zine Club Chicago

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