Art in Focus: Nature Lovers
@ South Shore Arts
1040 Ridge Rd, Munster, IN 46321
Opening Monday, June 27th, at 10AM
On view through Saturday, August 27th
Join gallery curators Linda Dorman and Tom Torluemke for a personalized tour of the upcoming South Shore Arts exhibit “Nature Lovers” which will feature artworks that embrace the natural world.
About the exhibition
an exhibition exploring artists’ relationships with the natural world
Exhibiting Artists
Joanne Aono
Em’rynn Artunian
Zbigniew Bzdak
Tony Fitzpatrick
Corey Hagelberg
Peggy Macnamara
William Nichols
Casey Roberts
Catherine Schwalbe
Curators, Linda Dorman & Tom Torluemke
“We are nature” is the overarching theme addressed by the artists in this exhibition. It is seen in reverence for plants and animals, seasons, patterns, and cycles in nature. Each of these artists has a different love relationship and experience with the natural world. Each sees nature as art through their devotion, careful inspection, observation, and experience as avenues for expression. Visitors to the exhibition will find visions of life’s offerings, grand and tiny, still and moving, growing and fossilized—but always with an eye towards change.
Image: Peggy Macnamara
Official Website
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Tags: Art in Focus, Casey Roberts, Catherine Schwalbe, Corey Hagelberg, Em'rynn Artunian, In, Joanne Aono, Linda Dorman, Munster, Nature Lovers, Peggy MacNamara, South Shore Arts, Tom Torluemk, Tony Fitzpatrick, William Nichols, Zbigniew Bzdak

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