Apr 8th 2022

Cécile Trentini: Daily Walking

@ 1100 Florence Gallery

1100 Florence Ave, Evanston, IL 60202

Opening Friday, April 8th, from 6PM - 8PM

On view through Monday, April 18th

1100 Florence Gallery is thrilled to host art, new books and an installation by artist Cécile Trentini, April 8 – 18, 2022.

Join us for an Opening Reception, April 8, 6-8p and Artist Talk, April 10, 2-4p.

Photo: Runes of the 21st Century

2020, 34” x 57”, 100 hundred black objects collected during my walks

Daily Walking

For five years, Cécile Trentini walked at a brisk pace with an alert eye (almost) daily at least half an hour through various neighborhoods and collected photos, found objects, words and thoughts, which were then used to create textile pieces. It took me two more years to finish processing all the collected material. The result is a series of 49 pieces which are a meditation on seeing and perceiving. The creative process lasted for a total of seven years during which the series matured and underwent an impressive develop­­­­ment in terms of concept as well as content and form.

Photo Books

In the 49 works of the Dai­ly Walk­ing se­ries I have processed over 3,000 pho­tos. My per­son­al 100 fa­vorites are unit­ed in this book, arranged in 50 com­ple­men­tary or con­trast­ing pairs.

Next Level Recycling

This pop up exhibit is up for 10 days, in conjunction with Evanston Made’s Art for Earth month, and features a daily art-making performance by Trentini. Each day, at a designated time, Cécile will walk from her home to the gallery and look for and pick up one piece of garbage. She will arrive at the gallery with the found object in hand, and using the silhouette of the shape, will create a series of drawings. Each day the drawings will be placed in the gallery windows with the found object on display.

Artist Statement

I sew, I dye, I print, I walk, I take pho­tos, I col­lect, I cro­chet, I stitch, I draw…

I de­sign and dis­card, I plan pre­cise­ly and de­cide in­tu­itive­ly, I work in large and small for­mats, I love the rhythm of re­­pe­ti­tions and ex­plore the di­ver­si­ty of vari­a­tions, I de­fine rules of the game and play with serendip­i­ty, I work with va­­­lu­able ma­te­ri­als and with every­day ob­jects…- Cécile Trentini

Website: www.ceciletrentini.com

Instagram: @cecile.trentini posts on my life and work as a (mainly textile) artist, @dailywalking2020 the ongoing daily walking project

Click here to listen to a conversation with Cécile and curator Lisa Degliantoni, March 2020

1100 Florence Gallery is located at 1100 Florence Ave., Evanston, IL 60202

Gallery Hours

Fri 5-8p, Sat & Sun 12-5p

By appointment



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