Paste Papers Workshop
@ Japanese Culture Center - 日本文化会館
1016 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL 60657
Opening Saturday, March 19th, from 3:30PM - 6:30PM
Paste Papers, one of the earliest forms of decorated paper, were used both for book covers and end-papers in books from the late sixteenth and eighteenth century. The basic technique involves dampening a sheet of paper, coating it with colored paste, and then drawing designs through the paste.
In this exciting 3 hour workshop participants will be introduced to paste and paper preparation; color mixing and the use of various patterning tools. Each participant will create at least 10 original designs on 8×10 craft paper. Supplies and handouts included. Limited to 6 adults.
Books plus samples of vintage and contemporary designs will be on view with a brief discussion on the history of Paste Papers.
Due to the citywide mandate, masks will be required for this workshop.
This class is also requiring proof of vaccination for entry. Prior to the class, please email a photo or PDF of the front and back of your vaccination card to
*PLEASE NOTE that the paper will take time to dry and you may need to stop by the next day. You may arrange to pick up on Sunday, 3/20 between 3-6pm or during office hours (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12-4pm.) If papers are not picked up within the week, they will be discarded.
Instructor Bio
Pamela Martinez has been teaching, studying and practicing the ancient art of paper marbling for over ten years and is a member of the Sumi-E Society. Ms. Martinez provides suminagashi instruction at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, workshops for the Sumi-E Society, Gilda’s Club and individual lessons. The artist believes the spiritual practice of suminagashi teaches the importance of self expression, provides the mystery of an undetermined result and includes the use of various techniques to challenge the imagination. Other expertise includes creating interesting colorful contemporary and traditional acrylic marbled designs.
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Tags: Chicago, Illinois, Japanese Culture Center, Japanese Culture Center - 日本文化会館, Lakeview, Pamela Martinez, Paste Papers Workshop

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