Small Works Members Exhibition
@ Woman Made Gallery
2150 S Canalport, #4A-3, Chicago, IL 60608
Opening Saturday, November 27th, from 12PM - 4PM
On view through Saturday, December 18th
November 27 – December 18, 2021
Open House: Saturday, November 27th, 12 – 4 PM CST
Open House: Saturday, December 18th, 12 – 4 PM CST
Last Day to Buy Art via WMG Webstore: December 18th @ 4 PM CST
Woman Made Gallery (WMG) is pleased to present its annual ‘Small Works Members’ Exhibition,’ featuring 164 works by 97 current WMG member artists.
Beginning on Small Business Saturday and running through the gift giving season, the Small Works Members exhibition is a treasure trove for collectors, art lovers and gift givers and displays a wide variety of talent across mediums including painting, mixed media, collage, prints, sculpture, ceramic, and photography.
Woman Made Gallery defines small works as under 16 in. in any direction and with the list price under $300. Please view our online webstore HERE or visit our gallery to see the work in person.
We are thrilled to offer this annual exhibition opportunity to dues paying member artists.
In total, Woman Made Gallery’s members play an important role in our arts ecosystem — they are our artists, collectors, appreciators, donors — by becoming a member of WMG, you commit to help our nonprofit ensure the equal placement of women and non-binary artists place in the world. Explore membership options HERE.
Exhibiting Artists:
Click name for link to artworks.
Ngozi Akande
Amy Bernard
Kelsey Bogdan
Sheila A. Donovan
judith hafeman
Donna Hapac
Ruth A. Keitz
Official Website
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Tags: Marianna Buchwald, Amy Bernard, Ann C. Quinn, Ann Dawkins, Annani Mercado, Anne Nordhaus-Bike, Annette M O'Donnell, Annette Tojar, Barbara Ezell, Barbara Forgue, Beate Minkovski, Belinda Shastal, Beth Costello, Beth Shadur, Caren Helene Rudman, Carley Knight, Carol Estes, Carol L. Myers, Caroline Knickmeier, Catherine Schwalbe, Cathie Crawford, Cherry Rahn, Cheryl A. Thomas, Chetanae Ellison, Chicago, Constance W. Collins, Cynthia Kerby, Dail Kirkpatrick, Dawn Liddicoatt, Denise Grossman, Donna Hapac, Dorothy C. Straughter, E.K. Jeong, Elaine Luther, Elaine Woo, Emily Keown, Emily Zarse, Felicia Grant Preston, Fran Sampson, Frances E. Trainor, Frederica Diane, Gina Lee Robbins, Hava Liebowitz, Hyunhee Doh, Isabel Axon-Sanchez, Jessica DuPreez, judith hafeman, Julie Ann Ausbrook, Julie Waltz-Stalker, Karen Marie Fiorito, Kathie Collinson, Kathryn Gauthier, Kathy Edwards Hayslett, Kelly Darke, Kelsey Bogdan, Kim Laurel, Kimberly Marie, Kirk Chernansky, Kristen Neveu, LaThoriel Badenhausen, Laura Phelps Rogers, Laura Schueren, Lauralynn White, Leah Foushee Waller, Lee Stanton, Leslie Robison, Linda b. Marcus, Lisa Jenschke, Lorna Scheepers, Lower West Side, Mabi Ponce de Leon, Mara Manning, Maria Raquel Cochez, Mariko Ventura, Marilyn Hrymak, Marx Arriaga, Mary King, Maureen May, Monica J. Brown, Ngozi Akande, Nicole Di Fabio, Nicole Van Dyken, Payton Harris Woodard, Polly Norman, Pritika Chowdry, Rae Broyles, Rebecca Griggs, Roberta Malkin, Ruth A. Keitz, Safir Kaylan, Sarah Schneiderman, Scarlett Ford, Sharon Swidler, Sheila A. Donovan, Small Works Members Exhibition, Sophia Anastasiou-Wasik, Stacey Foisy, Tricia Lynn Townes, Veronica Billedo, Woman Made Gallery, Yolanda Fernandez-Shebekoko

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