May 6th 2021
Poems for Well-Being and Coping
@ Northern Illinois University (NIU) Art Museum
Opening Thursday, May 6th, from 5PM - 6PM
On view through Saturday, May 15th
Poems for Well-Being and Coping
Participatory reading and recital.
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Tags: “Very Well, Alfred Stark, Andrew Ellis Johnson, Benjamin Merritt, Christina Loraine, Cleo Krueger, Cynthia A. Boudreau, Dean Krueger, DeKalb, Donna Castellanos, How to Spell USSA, Jan Bolander, Jeanne Garrett, Jessica Gondek, Judith Joseph, Julie A. Mars, Lim Sieu Lian (SLim), Linda Stein, Maria Gedroc, Northern Illinois University (NIU) Art Museum, Poems for Well-Being and Coping, Rhonda Wheatley, Savannah Jubic, Taweesak Molsawat, unidentified, Veronica Storc, Whit Forrester, Zachary Cahill

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