IF/THEN: New Works Festival is presented by Honey Pot Performance at the Green Line Performing Arts Center interweaving the original commissioned works of featured artists Allegra Dolores, Sojourner Zenobia, Norman W. Long, Gloria “Gloe” Talamantes, and Honey Pot Performance in a culminating performance event of divine alchemy. Works are inspired by a year long process of creative ritual. The ensemble played improvisational scores together built on themes from Cuban artist Belkis Ayon’s work, practices of spiritual guidance and intuition, and notions of ritual and ancestral connection.
What divine instruments guide and shape our work? How do we tune in to higher plane energies? And how do we build from the power and magic of collective creative decision-making using trust and intuition in concert with structured methods?
If/Then brings HPP into conversation with artists aligned with our creative work and values to investigate the ways spirit and intuition guide our practice. We will look at aesthetics through hands-on engagement, building upon the use of binary systems and divination/divining as a central metaphor in our process.
We will engage in fluid combinations of play and ritual — a series of incantations and spells, casting of shells, deconstructing lists of directions & tasks, sculpting a recipe book of invitation, love, & cooperative joy — to encourage collective magic.
Phase One was an invitation to experiment, improvise, and play.
In Phase Two, HPP commissioned each of the artists to create new work inspired by the creativity generated in Phase One.
And, Phase Three is a New Works Festival featuring all of the artists in a weekend of video streamed performance April 30-May 2, 2021 staged and recorded at the Green Line Performing Arts Center.
Instructions for viewing: This prerecorded online performance includes several linked videos in a playlist including: Introduction, Divining the Score, and a performance consisting of 3 videos (Movement 1, Movement 2, and Movement 3). Once you click play the playlist will automatically run. Watching them in this linked order is encouraged for the fullest experience of the process and performance as intended by the artists.
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Tags: Belkis Ayón, Chicago, Gloria "Gloe" Talamantes, Honey Pot Performance, If/Then online sharing #2: Honey Pot Performance with Special Guests (May 13), llegra Dolores, Norman W. Long, Sojourner Zenobia

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