Zine Club Chicago Online: Is It a Zine? Edition
@ Quimby's Bookstore
Opening Tuesday, March 16th, at 7:30PM
“Zine” has always been a nebulous term without a universally accepted definition. This month, we’re continuing the decades-long debate over what is a zine and what is not. All are invited to share the publications in our collections that make us go hmmmm… — for example, is a glossy booklet put out by a chart-topping rapper or a denim conglomerate really a zine? What about a one-sheet newsletter published on someone’s home printer? — and discuss where we personally draw the line between zine and not-a-zine.
Grab your zines, not-zines, and maybe-zines, BYOS(nacks), and join us on Zoom for Zine Club Chicago Online: Is It A Zine? Edition!
** Zoom info ** We want to make sure that our online Zine Club events are a safe space, so we won’t be releasing the Zoom link publicly. If you’d like to attend, please email zineclubchicago@gmail.com to RSVP by 5:30 p.m. CST Tuesday, March 16. We’ll email you the Zoom link one hour before the event begins.
Zine newbies and longtime enthusiasts alike are always welcome at Zine Club Chicago, the city’s only book club-style event for people who read zines. This free monthly series is produced by Chicago Zine Fest/Midwest Perzine Fest organizer Cynthia E. Hanifin and sponsored by Quimby’s Bookstore. Anna Jo Beck designs our monthly flyers, created our logo, and made our Zine Club Chicago Shout-Outs site, where folks can peruse and recommend zines we’ve discussed at our events: https://zineclubchicagoshoutouts.spread.name/
Thank you to Zine Club members Mariano Muñoz and Michelle Yacht for suggesting this month’s theme!
More info at quimbys.com and on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook: @zineclubchicago
Find the Facebook event here.
P.S. Thank you to everyone who snapped up the first batch of Zine Club Chicago embroidered patches! If you didn’t snag one this time around, we’ll have more restock soon.
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Tags: Anna Jo Beck, Chicago, Cynthia E. Hanifin, Illinois, Mariano Muñoz, Michelle Yacht, Quimby's Bookstore, Zine Club Chicago, Zine Club Chicago Online: Is It a Zine? Edition

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