Open Door Reading Series: Chia-Lun Chang, E’mon Lauren, Nilah Foster & Emily Brandt
@ Poetry Foundation
Opening Tuesday, January 12th, at 7PM
Join us for a live virtual reading with Chia-Lun Chang, E’mon Lauren, Nilah Foster, and Emily Brandt. The Open Door series presents work from new and emerging poets, and highlights writing instruction and poetic partnerships. Each event features readings by two Chicagoland writers and two of their current or recent students or writing partners.
E’mon Lauren is a queer Scorpio, from the West and Souf side of Chicago. Lauren was named Chicago’s first Youth Poet Laureate, and is the author of the chapbook COMMANDO (Haymarket Books, 2017). She has been featured in Chicago Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, and Vogue Magazine. She is a member of the Young Chicago Authors Teaching Artist Corps and host of her new podcast The Real Hoodwives of Chicago.
Chia-Lun Chang is the author of One Day We Become Whites (No, Dear/Small Anchor Press, 2016), and her work has appeared in Brooklyn Poets, Poetry Society of America, Pinwheel, Apogee, Sink Review, Poetry Project, and Asiya Wadud: Echo Exhibit. Chang has received support from Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Tofte Lake Center, Vermont Studio Center, and Poets House. She teaches contemporary Taiwanese poetry and A.I. & poetry at the Brooklyn Public Library and writes for chatbots. Born and raised in New Taipei City, Taiwan, she lives in New York City.
Emily Brandt is the author of the poetry collection Falsehood, as well as three chapbooks. Brandt is a co-founding editor of No, Dear, curator of the LINEAGE reading series at Wendy’s Subway, and visionary at She’s of Sicilian, Polish & Ukrainian descent, and lives in Brooklyn.
Poetry Foundation’s events are completely free of charge and open to the public. This reading will include live captioning. If you require any other accessibility measures, please contact us by emailing To find out more about Zoom’s own built-in accessibility features, please visit
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Tags: Chia-Lun Chang, Chicago, E’mon Lauren, Emily Brandt, Near North Side, Nilah Foster, Open Door Reading Series: Chia-Lun Chang E’mon Lauren Nilah Foster & Emily Brandt, Poetry Foundation

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