Monthly Mindfulness and Photography
Opening Sunday, December 13th, from 1PM - 2:30PM
WHEN: Sunday December 13th, 2020 1-2:30pm CST
COST: Free!
INSTRUCTOR: Jess Benjamin
Monthly Mindfulness and Photography is a monthly series with Jess Benjamin that will explore the connection between making pictures and being mindful of what meditation teacher Stephen Batchelor calls “the everyday sublime.” Through photographic and meditative activities, participants will examine ways they can use photography as a tool to be present, and relatedly, how establishing a mindfulness practice can lead to being a more thoughtful, engaged, and dynamic photographer. This session is designed to give participants a basic understanding of mindfulness meditation, its relationship to photography, and the tools necessary to deepen the practices of both. This course is open to everyone of all ages and experience levels in both photography and mindfulness.
Space is limited to 12 participants so grab your spot early!
Why take this class? This course will offer you an opportunity to reflect on the images you’re making, the ways you move through your environment, as well as re-invigorate creativity and encourage thoughtfulness in your every day!
Jess Benjamin is a photographer and meditation teacher based in Philadelphia. A graduate of the Mindfulness Training Institute, their teaching explores the intersection of mindfulness and creative processes. They serve on the Board of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, a non-profit that catalyzes partnerships between social justice movements and Buddhist practitioners, and have taught recent mindfulness classes at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, LATITUDE Chicago, and the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center. Jess was formerly the Director of Photography at Scout Magazines in Boston, and is also a former Lab Assistant at LATITUDE.
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