Photography & _____
@ Catherine Edelman Gallery
1637 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
Opening Friday, July 10th, from 12PM - 7PM
On view through Friday, September 4th
Catherine Edelman Gallery is excited to open its doors with the first artist collaborative exhibition in its 32+ history, “Photography & _____.” The show opens July 10 and runs through September 4, 2020. To avoid crowds, the opening reception will be from noon – 7:00 pm on Friday, July 10. Many artists will be in attendance throughout the day.
Most art making is a solitary process, void of outside voices, as a blank piece of paper or canvas is transformed into a work of art. But there has always been a rich history of art collectives: a group of artists who collaborate to create work. In the spirit of these collectives, Catherine Edelman Gallery presents “Photography & _____,” an exhibition that brings together photographers and other creatives to create one-of-a-kind pieces. CEG invited artists familiar to the gallery, including painters, writers and photographers, and asked each participant to reach out to a fellow artist to create a collaborative piece. There were no limitations placed on the work, except that photography must be incorporated into each piece.
The concept for “Photography & _____” started late last year, before anyone had heard of Covid-19. It now seems prophetic that after being closed for ten weeks, our first exhibition post stay-at-home is about collaboration. With everyone isolated at home, most of the participating artists relied on Zoom, Skype, and phone calls to create works of art. We are thrilled with the results, and thank the 30+ artists who are part of the exhibition.
Alanna Airitam, photographer / Wayne Martin Belger, photographer
Susan Aurinko, photographer / Misha Goro, painter, printmaker
Tami Bahat, photographer / Malka Nedivi, mixed media artist
Clarissa Bonet, photographer / Natalie Krick, artist
Kate Breakey, photographer / Stacey Forbes, poet
Keith Carter, photographer / Cathy Spence, photographer
Matt Eich, photographer / Doug Van Gundy, poet
Stephen Eichhorn, multidisciplinary artist / Elaine C. Miller, multidisciplinary artist
Dan Estabrook, photographer / Nathan Carter, sculptor, artist
Terry Evans, photographer / Aimée Beaubien,installation artist
Jed Fielding, photographer / Elizabeth McGowan, artist
Doug Fogelson, photographer / Monika Müller, artist
Michael Kenna, photographer / Maki Ishiwata, washi fiber artist
Michael Kenna, photographer / Ellen O’Connell, photographer
Michael Koerner, photographer / Jae Green, poet and performer
Laurie Lambrecht, artist / Brad Temkin, photographer
Jin Lee, photographer / Melissa Oresky, painter
Jin Lee, photographer / Calvin Forbes, writer
Ysabel LeMay, photographer / Barbara FG, photographer
Sandro Miller, photographer / Patricia Smith, poet
Arno Rafael Minkkinen, photographer / Chehalis Deane Hegner, multidisciplinary artist
Andrea Modica, photographer / Alice Lichtenstein, writer
Carlos Javier Ortiz, photographer / Michael Genovese, visual artist
Shana ParkeHarrison, photographer / Carl Landa, composer, musician
Robert ParkeHarrison, photographer / John Galt, sculptor
Colleen Plumb, photographer, installation artist / Katherine Kassouf Cummings, writer
David Schalliol, photographer / Amanda Williams, photographer
Fred Stonehouse, painter / Anonymous, photographer
Sonja Thomsen, artist / Linda Connor, photographer
Sonja Thomsen, artist / Thom Bridge, artist
Ron van Dongen, photographer / Douglas Wurster, carpenter and landscape architect
Alex Webb, photographer / Rebecca Norris Webb, photographer
Jeffrey Wolin, photographer / Jennifer Greenburg, photographer
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Tags: Aimee Beaubien, Alanna Airitam, Alex Webb, Alice Lichtenstein, Amanda Williams, Andrea Modica, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Barbara FG, Brad Temkin, Calvin Forbes, Carl Landa, Carlos Javier Ortiz, Catherine Edelman Gallery, Cathy Spence, Chehalis Deane Hegner, Chicago, Clarissa Bonet, Colleen Plumb, Dan Estabrook, David Schalliol, Doug Fogelson, Doug Van Gundy, Douglas Wurster, Elaine C. Miller, Elizabeth McGowan, Ellen O’Connell, Fred Stonehouse, Jae Green, Jed Fielding, Jeffrey Wolin, Jennifer Greenburg, Jin Lee, John Galt, Kate Breakey, Katherine Kassouf Cummings, Keith Carter, Laurie Lambrecht, Linda Connor, Maki Ishiwata, Malka Nedivi, Matt Eich, Melissa Oresky, Michael Genovese, Michael Kenna, Michael Koerner, Misha Goro, Monika Muller, Natalie Krick, Nathan Carter, Patricia Smith, Photography & _____, Rebecca Norris Webb, Robert ParkeHarrison, Ron van Dongen, Sandro Miller, Shana ParkeHarrison, Sonja Thomsen., Stacey Forbes, Stephen Eichhorn, Susan Aurinko, Tami Bahat, Terry Evans, Thom Bridge, Wayne Martin Belger, West Town, Ysabel LeMay

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