Historia Reciente De La Performance Venezolana with Raúl Rodríguez and Carlos Salazar-Lermont
@ Chuquimarca
Opening Thursday, July 16th, from 7PM - 8PM
Historia Reciente De La Performance Venezolana with Raúl Rodríguez and Carlos Salazar-Lermont
Thursday, July 16, 2020
7-8PM Chicago / 8-9PM Caracas
Zoom Registration / Registro de Zoom: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUsfu-prT4uE9DUffwdXH2pHHXlbgm-aFTf
Join artists and curators Carlos Salazar-Lermont and Raúl Rodríguez from PORTAESPACIOS, in conversation about the last 15 years of Venezuelan performance art. From their first hand experience, they will talk about notable events within the Venezuelan community of creators and organizers and the development and participation of festivals and initiatives. They will also talk about the tension between initiatives and the unstable social, political and economic contexts in which they developed.
This event will be conducted in Spanish.
Los artistas y curadores Carlos Salazar-Lermont y Raúl Rodríguez de PORTAESPACIOS entablarán una conversación donde contarán, en primera persona, la historia de la performance art venezolana de los últimos 15 años. Los artistas hablarán de los hechos notables de la comunidad de creadores, organizadores y festivales a la que pertenecen, y la tensión entre estas iniciativas y el inestable contexto social, político y económico en el que se desarrolló.
Este evento será en español.
Carlos Salazar-Lermont (Caracas, Venezuela, 1987) is an artist, curator and arts administrator with focus on performativity and social engaged art. He has a BFA in Sculpture from UNEARTE (2012), a Technical High School degree on Fine Arts in Drawing and Painting from the Escuela de Artes Visuales Cristóbal Rojas (2005) and a Dual MA in Arts Administration & Policy and Modern and Contemporary Art History in the School of the Art Institute (SAIC) with the support of the New Artists Society scholarship. http://carlossalazarlermont.com
Raúl Rodríguez (La Victoria, Venezuela, 1995) is a Venezuelan multidisciplinary artist and curator with special interest in the corporeal and presence quality of being. He has presented work in Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, United States, and Finland. In 2016, with Eisen Guerrero, he created PORTAESPACIOS. https://cargocollective.com/RaulRodriguez
PORTAESPACIOS is a Venezulean based arts organization focused on education, creation, exhibition, and dissemination of the Arts, Architecture, and Design. Instagram: @portaespacios
Official Website
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Tags: Carlos Salazar Lermont, Chicago, Chuquimarca, Historia Reciente De La Performance Venezolana with Raúl Rodríguez and Carlos Salazar-Lermont, PORTAESPACIOS, Raúl Rodríguez

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