Mar 24th 2020

This event has been canceled.

Dance Studio, 1st Floor North
In this open studio demo/talk, choreographer Nejla Yatkin will show an excerpt of a new solo entitled ??? ????? ?????.

The Other Witch is a multi-media dance and multi-lingual dance performance featuring elements of contemporary dance, dance ritual, video, music, text, sound, and community participation exploring the feminine archetype of the witch. Currently in development during Yatkin’s Chicago Dancemakers Forum Lab Artist award year, the piece references Mary Wigman’s 1914 Hexentanz (Witch Dance) but recreates itself anew.

As a first-generation German and later as an immigrant to the US, Yatkin is someone who has always been viewed as “The Other”, both within the context of national and cultural identity and within her dance experience in European, American and African American Modern Dance, and Japanese Butoh Dance. This familiarity with otherness inspires her to inhabit the concept in dance, and to share and activate “Otherness” within a multitude and to see what power results. Yatkin’s The Other Witch melds languages and slips across manifestations to explore what happens when a witch reclaims otherness and invites the public to join into her world by recognizing their own otherness.

This open studio will have ASL interpretation.

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