Joseriberto Perez: Free Range Anxiety
@ Devening Projects
3039 W Carroll Ave, Chicago, IL 60612
Opening Sunday, September 15th, from 4PM - 7PM
On view through Sunday, October 13th
Devening Projects is pleased to invite you to ‘Free Range Anxiety,’ Joseriberto Perez’s first solo exhibition with the gallery. The show is available for viewing on September 8th, but the opening reception for Jose will be on September 15th. The show continues until October 13th.
Joseriberto Perez is preoccupied with anthropology and its developments within Modern Art and contemporary aesthetics; much of his recent work looks at the decolonialization and reclamation of space. Simultaneously building and excavating forms through printing, drawing and painting, the work is sensual, emotive, metaphorical and occasionally ironic. Perez’s projects are heavily process-based to produce complex layers of found textiles, embedded patterns and hand-made textures. The stratum constructed through his conscious and intuitive decision-making result in scrims of information that invite the viewer to slowly uncover clues to feed a deeper experience with the work. These layers sometimes retain their autonomy; more often they compressed, camouflaged, and woven together to unfold spaces that are inviting but challenging to access. Much like the histories we think we know, information about a particular past is always fallible and fluid.
Ultimately, Perez’s project is deeply tied to the transformation of materials through process. His mechanisms for making are both familiar, as we see in his work in painting, and more unfamiliar as in the subtle and expansive installations he creates that suggest new ways to navigate the spaces within his exhibitions. In either case, the work is always visceral and full of the tactile complexity one finds in the most engagingly made things. Perez defines his practice through the resonating ways one experiences a history piled on top of other histories. Whether those intervals are brief or whether they allude to generations, the result is always evocative and rich.
Joseriberto Perez received both his BFA (2007) and MFA (2017) from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago; prior to receiving his MFA Perez was awarded the Cannonball local artist in residency in Miami, FL. His extensive exhibition record includes numerous projects in Miami and Chicago. Perez lives and works in Chicago and Miami.
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Tags: Chicago, East Garflield Park, Free Range Anxiety, Joseriberto Perez

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