Emory Douglas
@ The Art Institute of Chicago
Rubloff Auditorium: 230 S Columbus Dr, Chicago, IL 60603
Opening Tuesday, March 5th, from 6PM - 7:30PM
This lecture event is free, non-ticketed and open to the public. Doors will open at 5:45 p.m.
Emory Douglas worked as the revolutionary artist and minister of culture for the Black Panther Party in the San Francisco Bay Area from 1967 through the early 1980s. In addition to creating iconic posters and postcards, a key part of Douglas’ responsibilities included art direction, design, and illustration for the organization’s newspaper, The Black Panther. His art-and-design concepts were featured on the front and back pages of the newspaper and reflected the politics of the Black Panther Party and the concerns of the community. Douglas’ work was characterized by strong graphic images of young African American men, women, and children. He used the newspaper’s popularity to spur people to action, portraying the poor with empathy and as being unapologetically ready to struggle for basic human rights. During his tenure, Douglas produced powerful images to depict the reality of racial injustice in America and to promote the party’s ideologies. Douglas continues to create art with social and political concerns that transcends borders.
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Image: Emory Douglas. Courtesy of the artist
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