Sumakshi Singh
@ The Art Institute of Chicago, Rubloff Auditorium
230 S Columbus Dr, Chicago, IL 60603
Opening Monday, October 8th, from 6PM - 7:30PM
Sumakshi Singh’s (MFA 2003) work traverses lines between metaphor, reality, and illusion. Her practice ranges from plays on space-time theories to cultural, historic, and physical critiques of place manifested in performance, installation, painting, and animation. Singh’s extensive practice varies from appropriating subtle microcosmic activity to mapping perceptual objects in spaces and interacting with them as if they were real.
Sumakshi Singh is the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s fall 2018 Distinguished Alumni Lecturer. Presented in partnership with SAIC’s Office of Alumni Relations.
This lecture is a part of SAIC’s Visiting Artists Program and is a free, non-ticketed event and open to the public. Doors will open at 5:45 p.m.
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Tags: Chicago, Loop, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Sumakshi Singh, Visiting Artists Program

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