@ The Learning Machine
3145 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL 60608
Opening Friday, June 8th, from 6PM - 9PM
On view through Sunday, June 10th
Three Days of Live Art in Bridgeport
FRI 08 > SUN 10 JUNE | 2018 | FREE!
DAY 01 | Cross-Contamination | FRI 08 JUNE | 6PM
a collaboration between
Bubbly Creek Performance Art Assembly
PLANTS & ANIMALS: On Monsters, Cyborgs and Other Hybrid Creatures curated by Rebecca Ladida | In/habit roving art series
performances oscillate between the Plants & Animals’ exhibit space at LEARNING MACHINE [3145 S Morgan Street] & RAW SPACE [alley just east of Morgan at W 33rd Place]
featuring performances by: Benji Morino | Caroline Joy Dahlberg | Erin Delaney | Julia Mellen (Gubi Marcel) | Michelle Lacombe | Ryan Greenlee | Whit Forrester
roving Installation by Rebecca Ladida & performance traces by Marina Cavadini & Falak Vasa from their performances at the exhibit art opening on May 25th.
Bubbly Creek Performance Art Assembly is a proud cross-contamination with the In/habit roving art series project: PLANTS & ANIMALS: On Monsters, Cyborgs and Other Hybrid Creatures. It is a collision of performance, discussion, screening, and broadcasting events focused on themes of hybridity, layered ecologies and practices of inhabiting and interrogating Nature. Through this assembly we ask and examine how we survive together. Hybridity is offered here as artillery against the scourge of centuries old Western binaries. It is an invitation to once again think about the categories of machine/nature/human beyond the limits of the anthropocene, together with queer, feminist, and anti-racist politics.
PLANTS & ANIMALS exhibition opens Friday, May 25 at The Learning Machine and closes with an evening of Cross-Contamination performance art oscillating between The Learning Machine and the adjacent venue Raw Space [see map above] on Friday, June 8. *Donations at the door of Learning Machine go to the exhibit production*. Visit www.inhabitarts.com for a complete schedule and artist roster.
The Learning Machine is a DIY space in the Bridgeport neighborhood that presents visual art, screenings, discussions, performances, and social practice. The storefront and back garden provide an underground platform for Chicago artists to celebrate, contemplate, and question artistic discourse and innovative modes of display and production.
Raw Space is an alternative exhibition venue in a large garage owned by Zhou B Art Center near the mouth of the alley just east of South Morgan Street at West 33rd Place next to Armour Elementary School. There are no restrooms or running water at this location. Please be respectful of our neighbors.
The cheerful sounding “Bubbly Creek” is the south branch of the south fork of the Chicago river and forms the western border of Bridgeport. It derives this nickname from gases bubbling out of the riverbed from decomposing animal waste dumped into the river a century ago by the Union Stockyards. It still bubbles to this day. Brought to notoriety by Upton Sinclair in his exposé on the American meat packing industry entitled The Jungle, the contaminated river is a revolting reminder of the harshness of industrial capitalism, exploitation of [often immigrant] labor, and disproportionate concentrations of wealth in America. From the Haymarket Affair in 1886 fighting for workers’ rights, to the Pullman railroad strike in 1894 over corporate greed and poverty, labor issues were at the forefront of late 20th century social concerns and are [obviously] still relevant today. This project celebrates the Bridgeport neighborhood and is an homage to Chicago’s rich labor history and how it relates to and influences the local art community.
DFBRL8R [also known as Defibrillator Gallery] was formed in 2010 as a platform for Performance Art. Contextualizing performance within the realm of visual art, DFBRL8R embraces artists who look to the body in concert and conversation with time, space, object, nature, architecture, or society. Bold and courageous programming aims to provoke thought and stimulate discourse surrounding underrepresented voices and time-based practices. Working with both established and emerging artists, DFBRL8R is dedicated to fostering local makers while invigorating Chicago with artists of exceptional calibre from around the world. DFBRL8R raises awareness, appreciation, and respect for the medium of Performance Art.
Zhou B Art Center is a private non-government funded complex that facilitates the exchange of contemporary art between Chicago and the international art community. Founded in 2004 by the Zhou Brothers in Chicago’s historic Bridgeport neighborhood, The Zhou B Art Center has a mission to engage in cultural dialogue through contemporary art exhibitions and international programming.
Official Website
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Tags: Benji Morino, Caroline Joy Dahlberg, Dfbrl8r, Erin Delaney, Falak Vasa, Gubi Marcel, Julia Mellen, Marina Cavadini, Michelle Lacombe, PLANTS & ANIMALS, Rebecca Ladida, Ryan Greenlee, The Learning Machine, Whit Forrester

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