May 31st 2018
Croak! (jokesplaining in the basement of Free Range)
@ Free Range
3257 W Lawrence Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
Opening Thursday, May 31st, from 8PM - 11PM
performers explain a joke
until it’s funny again
A barker’s dozen of performers (in loose terms) explain a favorite joke with an ear towards the too deep, the obtusely theoretical, the tangential, the endlessly thorough. Performances last between 3 and 7 minutes.
(the basement of) Free Range, Chicago | 3257 W Lawrence
May 31st, 2018 8 pm doors, 8:30 pm show
free with suggested donations for cold ones on a warm night
Organized by Jesse Malmed and Oli Watt
(a few slots still available for avid explainers)
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