Apr 29th 2018
Cine Mexicano de la Época de Oro
@ National Museum of Mexican Art
1852 W 19th St, Chicago, IL 60608
Opening Sunday, April 29th, from 1:30PM - 4PM
The National Museum of Mexican Art and Cineteca Nacional proudly present the free screening of: Salón México on Sunday, April 29th at 1:30 pm. Join us as we continue this series of México’s golden age of cinema. Bring a film aficionado, a family member, or a friend that you would like to introduce to this iconic film directed by Emilio Fernández. Read the full movie description here: http://www.cinetecanacional.net/php/detallePelicula.php?clv=1598
This event is free and seating will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Film will be screened in Spanish with English subtitles.
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