@ Lewis University's Brent and Jean Wadsworth Family Gallery
1 University Pkwy, Romeoville, IL 60446
Opening Thursday, February 15th, from 7PM - 9PM
On view through Friday, March 16th
Jelena Berenc’s drawings use excessive repetition of minuscule drawing elements to create larger works of art encompassing an overarching idea or fact. Most pieces contain tens to hundreds of thousands and even millions of particularly chosen drawing elements. The most fundamental materials are used, like pencil on paper, so that the focus can center on the idea and its execution process. The detailed drawing elements pull the viewer toward the piece, while the collection of drawing elements immerses the viewer into a new visual experience that depicts the severity, seriousness, or immensity of the issue. The exhibit “Humanity” portrays indelible imprints of the individual and of humanity.
Free and open to the public!
Contact Natalie Swain, Gallery Coordinator, for more information at
IMAGE: “Humanity,” 2017, 54″x84″, pencil on paper
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Tags: Humanity, Illinois, Jelena Berenc, Lewis University, Romeoville, The Brent and Jean Wadsworth Family Gallery

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