Trade Routes
@ Links Hall
3111 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60618
Opening Thursday, December 7th, at 7PM
Kjell Theøry (2017) is an augmented reality performance that juxtaposes Alan Turing’s mathematical descriptions of nature with algorithmic mutations of Guillaume Apollinaire’s 1917 play The Breasts of Tiresias, a genderfluid spectacle for which the author invented the word surrealism. The work is staged as a queer fertility ritual between physical and virtual worlds.
For Trade Routes, Kjell Theøry is performed over two nights in discrete but continuous parts.
December 7th 7pm
Part I: Kjell Theøry: Prologue
December 8th 9pm
Part II: The Death of the ØSS
“ATOM-r,” blurs multiple lines: between performance art and theater, theater and installation art, installation art and video, video and poetry. The group aims to question formal practice, the boundaries and binaries that tend to delimit image making and performance. By confounding form, ATOM-r simultaneously grapples with historical mechanics of homosexuality and queerness, and with how queer aesthetics have carried over to a society newly augmented by technology.’ Sasha Geffen, Chicago Reader
Upended Teacups:
“The Call” asks: How do we navigate our spiritual landscape and where is God found? Through our acts of devotion, songs and dances; our labor? Further, how does geography affect our spiritual condition? This multimedia performance interweaves movement, sound, texts, and sculpture inspired by works of John Coltrane, feminist theology, percussionist Adam Rudolph and personal responses to the question “What is a spiritual experience?”
IMAGE Credit: Grace Duval
Kjell Theøry was developed through residencies at International Museum Surgical Science, The Graham Foundation for the Applied Arts, National Museum of Health and Medicine, Chicago, Chicago Cultural Center, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Dance Department, University of Chichester, TeaK, Helsinki.
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Tags: ATOM-r, Augmented Reality, Chicago, Chris Knowlton, colin roberson, Judd Morrissey, Justin Deschamps, Kjell Theøry, Links Hall, Mark Jeffery, Trade Routes, Upended Teacups

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