The Neapolitan Crèche—A Closer Look
@ The Art Institute of Chicago
111 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60603
Opening Tuesday, December 5th, from 12PM - 1PM
Join Rebecca Long, Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Associate Curator of European Painting and Sculpture before 1750, for a closer look at the wondrously theatrical Neapolitan Crèche, which is displayed at the Art Institute every year for the holiday season.
Morton Auditorium
Free with museum admission, registration required
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Image: Crèche (detail), mid-18th century. Naples, Italy. Restricted gifts of Mr. and Mrs. James N. Bay and Linda and Vincent Buonanno and Family; Eloise W. Martin Legacy Fund; restricted gifts of Ruth Ann Gillis and Michael McGuinnis and Mrs. Robert O. Levitt; Charles H. and Mary F. Worcester Collection Fund.
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