5th Annual Queer Clothing Swap
@ Center on Halsted
3656 N Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60613
Opening Sunday, August 27th, from 12PM - 5PM
Join us for the 5th Annual Queer Clothing Swap with Genderqueer Chicago! Trade in your skirts for a pair of slacks and your loafers for a pair of heels – mix and match and update your wardrobe!
Participation in the Swap is easy: bring something, take something! Donations should be gently-worn clothing, shoes, and accessories. We encourage attendees to provide their own bag (although a limited amount will be available for use). Please refrain from bringing stained clothing, t-shirts and undergarments.
The Swap is created to provide a supportive and fun space for trans and gender variant individuals to exchange clothes. The event is open to all queer-affirming allies!
Donations wishing to be made prior to the Swap can be coordinated with Genderqueer Chicago by emailing them at genderqueerchicago@gmail.com
*All clothes remaining after the Swap will be donated to The Brown Elephant
Official Website
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Tags: 5th Annual Queer Clothing Swap, Center on Halsted, Chicago, Lakeview

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