Asides and Besides: video artists remixing artists’ videos
@ The Nightingale
1084 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60642
Opening Tuesday, July 11th, from 8PM - 9:30PM
video artists remixing artists’ videos
Ashley McClenon
Benjamin Pearson
Blair Bogin
Cameron Granger
Clint Enns
Emily Eddy
Hannah Piper Burns
Scott Fitzpatrick
8 pm, Tuesday, July 11, 2017
The Nightingale Cinema
1084 N Milwaukee
Chicago, Ill.
$0-7-10 donation
This program draws into focus our own (often productive) sloppiness in the language surrounding artistic production that includes the work of others. In this case, these works are less interested in (though not opposed to) ideas like détournement, appropriation, reenactment, “found” footage, glitch, covers, samples, collage, etc. than to how we can apply the thinking behind the music industry’s idea of the remix into the contexts and histories of experimental film, video art and critical cinema. Think: the extended remix, the dub remix, the club remix, the dirty remix, the radio remix, the house remix, the porch remix, the czech remix, the lights on remix. Serious is fun, fun is serious. Seat dancing allowed. Fresh looks assumed.
Organized by Jesse Malmed
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