Jun 24th 2017
Artists’ Books, Zines and Printed Mayhem from Mexico
@ Self-Reliance School
244 Lake St, Oak Park, IL 60302
Opening Saturday, June 24th, from 3PM - 6PM
Join Marc Fischer from Temporary Services for a show and tell devoted to underground, artistic, unusual, anti-authoritarian, critical, and chaotic publications from Mexico. This one day showing will include recent publications from Latino Toons, Laura Anderson Barbata, Abraham Diaz, Inés Estrada, Gato Negro Ediciones, Insomnio Comics, Edijorial Craneo Invertido, El Hijo del Ahuizote, and more.
For additional context and added flavor, we’ll also have educational lesson sheets, comic digests, instructional publications, newspapers and other printed matter from the streets of Mexico City and beyond.
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Tags: Abraham Diaz, Artists' Books, Edijorial Craneo Invertido, El Hijo del Ahuizote, Gato Negro Ediciones, Inés Estrada, Insomnio Comics, Latino Toons, Laura Anderson Barbata, Marc Fischer, Oak Park, Self-Reliance School, Zines and Printed Mayhem from Mexico

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