Video! Video! Zine! April Issue
@ Comfort Station Logan Square
2579 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Wednesday, March 29th, from 8PM - 10PM
Comfort Film Presents
Video! Video! Zine!
Film Lineup TBA
Perfromance by Amanda Sukenick!!!
Amanda ‘Oldphan’ Sukenick will be performing a piece featuring The Janitor, and his summation of the horrors of sentient life on planet earth, and his argument for sentient extinction. Based off of Sukenick’s 2016 short film, The EFIList, which was inspired by the Youtube Vlogs of Antinatalist Philosopher Inmendham.
About Video! Video! Zine
Video! Video! Zine is devoted to obtaining visibility for moving image makers. Through monthly open calls, we motivate and encourage makers to participate, no matter what skill level or knowledge of moving image. We also hope to inspire through monthly guest curated “5 videos you must see” and interviews of moving image makers who need a spotlight. By doing this Video! Video! Zine hopes to become an accessible submission-based Internet archive of amazing moving images from around the world.
Programmed by Raul Benitez and Nando Espinosa
Official Website
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Tags: Chicago, Comfort Station Logan Square, Logan Square, Video! Video! Zine! April Issue

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