Luis Sahagun: Between Dreams and Kings
@ Terrain Exhibitions
704 Highland Ave, Oak Park, IL 60304
Opening Sunday, December 18th, from 2PM - 5PM
On view through Sunday, January 22nd
Join us Sunday, December 18, as we celebrate Luis Sahagun and his sculptural work titled “Between Dreams and Kings”, made specifically for Terrain!
Luis Sahagun was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in 1982. His grandfather came to the United States in the 1940s under the Bracero Program, working in Chicago Height’s steel industry. Sahagun’s father found field work in the late 1970s, and Luis was brought to this country in 1985, living undocumented until he was naturalized in 1995 under Ronald Reagan’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Sahagun, a 2001 graduate of Chicago Height’s Bloom High School, earned his BFA from Southern Illinois University in 2006 and his MFA in painting from Northern Illinois University in 2015. He has participated in multiple solo, juried, invitational, and national exhibits in the U.S and Mexico. In addition to being featured in New American Paintings (Issue #111), Luis’ work has also been showcased at the International Exposition of Contemporary Art (expo) Chicago. He is currently partaking in the Roswell Artist in Residence in Roswell, New Mexico.
Luis Sahagún nació en Guadalajara , Jalisco , México en 1982. Su abuelo llegó a los Estados Unidos en la década de 1940 bajo el Programa Bracero. El padre de Sahagún encontró trabajo de campo a finales de 1970 , y Luis fue traído a esta país en 1985 , viviendo sin papeles hasta que se naturalizó en 1995 bajo Ronald Reagan Reforma de la Inmigración y la Ley de Control de 1986. Sahagún , se graduo de la preparatoria Bloom High School en Chicago Heights, obtuvo su BFA en Southern Illinois University en 2006 y su maestria en pintura en Northern Illinois University en 2015. Ha participado en exposiciones individuales, multiples, con jurado, invitacoion, y exposiciones nacionales en U.S.A y Mexico. Las obras de Luis han sido presentato en la Exposicion Internacional de Arte Contemporaneo (expo) de Chicago. Actualmente esta participando en una residencia en Roswell, Nuevo Mexico.
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