New Blood Ten: Festival of SAIC Performance
@ Links Hall
3111 N. Western Avenue, Chicago
Opening Saturday, November 19th, from 3PM - 10PM
New Blood T E N is the tenth annual festival of student performance, live art, and time-based work at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
This year’s festival is coordinated by Jordan Murray, Maire Witt O’Neill, and Lauren Sternberg with Alumna Producer Lindsey Barlag Thornton.
Participating artists include: Santina Amato, Chase Calloway, Eve Clark, Caroline Joy Dahlberg, Violet Eckles-Jordan, Lorena C. Barrera Enciso, Fenella Gabrysch, Christopher Gambino, Sophie Leddick, Jonathan Leib, John Lincoln-Vogel, Imani Love, Maria Luìsa, Mev Luna, Kristín Morthens, Tannaz Motevalli, Michelle Marie Murphy, Danny Pagnanimous, Caleb Smith, Rainier Hugo Smith, Misael Soto, Adrian Stein, Eda Sutunc, Marcela Torres, Falak Vasa, Ji Yang, and Xiaoqing Zhu.
New Blood T E N is collaboratively produced by the SAIC Department of Exhibitions and Exhibition Studies and the SAIC Department of Performance.
Free and open to the public.
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Tags: Adrian Stein, Caleb Smith, Caroline Joy Dahlberg, Chase Calloway, Chicago, Christopher Gambino, Danny Pagnanimous, Eda Sutunc, Eve Clark, Falak Vasa, Fenella Gabrysch, Imani Love, Ji Yang, John Lincoln-Vogel, Jonathan Leib, Jordan Murray, Kristín Morthens, Lauren Sternberg, Lindsey Barlag Thornton, Loop, Lorena C. Barrera Enciso, Máire Witt O'Neill, Marcela Torres, Maria Luìsa, Mev Luna, Michelle Marie Murphy, Misael Soto, New Blood Ten, Rainier Hugo Smith, Santina Amato, School of the Art Institute of Chicago Performance, Sophie Leddick, Tannaz Motevalli, Violet Eckles-Jordan, Xiaoqing Zhu

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