Oct 16th 2016



640 Lincoln St, B24 (Basement), Evanston, IL 60201

Opening Sunday, October 16th, from 11am - 3PM

On view through Sunday, October 16th

Eschatology is the study of the end of the world and the transition to what comes after the end of the world.

The suffix -theca refers to a receptacle, enclosure, or a storage.

Utilizing these terms more speculatively, this exhibition looks towards the end; something many contemporaries have summoned ominously into the present with the recent discussion of the Anthropocene, and its dark ecological impact.

This nihilism complicates and informs the work in this exhibition: bones that have died and bones of the dead, petrified detritus and sealed accumulations; books of code and cosmos, scribbles; tools and augury.

The end can be viewed as a liminal point, where previous structures have been dissolved, and what follows is uncertain. Regardless of the direction from which this kind of threshold is approached, it requires a reinforcing, a preparation; the installation of work in this exhibition is just that: an accumulation, an attempt to gather, pile, or collect.


Featuring work by Matt Ericson, Angela Lopez, Matt Martin, Jaclyn Mednicov, and Chris Wille

October 12th – 16th, by appointment
Reception: October 16th 11am-3pm

640 N Lincoln St
Evanston, IL 60201
Basement, B24


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