The Jim and Tammy Show
@ Tom Robinson Gallery
2416 W North Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Opening Friday, August 12th, from 5PM - 9PM
The Lakeside Studio in Lakeside MI. founded by John D. Wilson in 1969, was an artist in residence program that spanned a long time-frame and crossed from different mediums over the years. Publishing American printmakers for 20 years then focusing on International ceramic artists in the final years. (1969-2010) Here we are presenting a brief overview of the collection. Highlights include plaster reliefs by Russian superstar Irina Nakhova who recently represented Russia at the Venice Biennale (first solo woman show in Russian history) and featuring new paintings by Chicago artist Rimas Ciurlionis (a prior resident at Lakeside Studio). Add a couple Chicago Imagists into the mix and you have a pretty good cross section of what was being done at Lakeside.
(International artists)
Irina Nakhova, Grisha Bruskin, Aidan Salakhova, George Yashvili, Peteris Sidars, Egils Rosenbergs, Wendy Connelly, Muriel Rodolosse, Jenny Orchard, Kestutis Musteikis, Soumya Manjunath Chavan, Satadru Sovan
(American artists)
Ed Paschke, Roger Brown, Richard Hunt, Richard Hull, Paul LaMantia, Will Petersen, Cynthia Archer, Russell T. Gordon, James P. Monson, Robert Ecker, Michael Rothenstein, John “Butch” Holden, James Jahoda, Eva Kwong, Kirk Mangus, Floyd Gompf, Rimas VisGirda, Mark Richardson, Joyce Jablonski, Paul Soldner, Jerry Rothman, John D. Wilson
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Tags: Aidan Salakhova, Chicago, Cynthia Archer, Ed Paschke, Egils Rosenbergs, Eva Kwong, Floyd Gompf, George Yashvili, Grisha Bruskin, Irina Nakhova, James Jahoda, James P. Monson, Jenny Orchard, Jerry Rothman, John "Butch" Holden, John D. Wilson, Joyce Jablonski, Kestutis Musteikis, Kirk Mangus, Mark Richardson, Michael Rothenstein, Muriel Rodolosse, Paul LaMantia, Paul Soldner, Peteris Sidars, Richard Hull, Richard Hunt, Rimas VisGirda, Robert Ecker, Roger Brown, Russell T. Gordon, Satadru Sovan, Soumya Manjunath Chavan, The Jim and Tammy Show, Tom Robinson Gallery, Wendy Connelly, West Town, Will Petersen

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