Opening Night! Black Harvest Film Fest: A Black Harvest Feast
@ Gene Siskel Film Center
164 N State St, Chicago, IL 60601
Opening Saturday, August 6th, at 7:30 PM
Enjoy a sneak preview of the 2016 “harvest” through six short films: Maxime Gilbert’s DIME, a short lesson on speaking your mind; Jason Honeycutt’s moving drama of a fateful encounter on the streets of Chicago, INTERSECTION; Nicholas Pilarski’s poignant coming-of-age animation, I, DESTINI; William Adams’s date-night comedy, A 3RD FIRST; Maïmouna Doucouré’s haunting child’s-eye view of marital discord, MAMAN(S); and Derek Dow’s peppy paean to Hair Pride, THE BIG CHOP. (BS, MR)
Immediately following the show “A Black Harvest Feast,” the audience is invited to join our celebrity guests for a reception at Joffrey Tower (8 E. Randolph St.), home of The Joffrey Ballet Chicago.
Filmmakers William Adams, Derek Dow, Maxime Gilbert, Nick Pilarski, and Destini Riley will be present.
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Tags: Black Harvest Film Fest, Chicago, Derek Dow, Gene Siskel Film Center, Jason Honeycutt, Loop, Maxime Gilbert, Nicholas Pilarski, William Adams

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