Regin Igloria Bookbinding Workshop
@ Chicago Cultural Center
78 E Washington St, Chicago, Illinois 60602
Opening Thursday, June 30th, from 5:30PM - 7PM
Learn basic bookbinding techniques to get you started in the book arts. Participants will learn about materials, tools and methods for making your own variations of pamphlets, stab bindings and other common non-adhesive bindings and will walk away with 4-5 different books at the end of the session that can be used for journals and sketchbooks.
Both the workshop and admission to the accompanying exhibition is FREE
In conjunction with
Regin Igloria: How Different It Is to Be Outside
Through August 21
At the Chicago Cultural Center
Regin Igloria’s multi-disciplinary work includes performance, sculpture, photography, drawing and artist’s books. He combines many of these modes to explore the social and consumerist implications of outdoor and endurance sport and leisure.
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