“haha nothing is real okay”
@ Gallery Momentum
5135 S. Kenwood Ave, Apartment 603
Opening Friday, May 23rd, from 6PM - 10PM
Representing the total body of senior DoVA majors at the University of Chicago, we invite you to the first annual student-run Department of Visual Arts show for graduating seniors. This underground production is brought to you by Gallery Momentum* and all 15 graduating DoVA majors.
We hope that you can partake in celebration of 4-years culmination of blood, sweat, process, and tears. Drinks will be served!
Artists (in alphabetical order):
Lexie Baker
Nicole Cherry
Felicia Crespo
Adam Dunlavy
Julianna Estall
Jane Fentress
Alex Gordon
Ryan Ho
Elizabeth Jay
Sarah Manocherian
Valia O’Donnell
Miriam Stevens
L. Anita To
Lauren Wright
Lida Zeitlin Wu
*In 1948, AIC, UChicago, and IIT students banded together in protest of exhibition policies at the Art Institute of Chicago. Today, in the year 2014, UChicago DoVA seniors draw parallels with Exhibition Momentum’s spirit. Let Gallery Momentum be any exhibition space wishing to protest the art student’s cause.
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