Nov 8th 2013
Jason Benson: PH://Dungeon_Mix_[vol.1]://The_Human_ Cafe_[vol.1]_[2013]_Clone.Ed.x2013
@ Queer Thoughts
1640 W 18th St. #3, Chicago IL
Opening Friday, November 8th, from 7PM - 10PM
On view through Sunday, December 8th
2013: show yer Presenting two Nu. I
versions . Example themes: a. Clone (We, I) b.
Rat (I, You) c. Snail (I, We) d. Wine (We, You, I) e.
Digestion (I) f. Incarceration (I, We, You) g. Infatuation (You, I)
h. Skin (I, You, We, We)
v=AAxm60KLhmk The body is a fucking toilet! 11.8.13 – 12.8.13
Benson, Jason Queer Thoughts
Jason Benson (b.1987) lives in Oakland CA. He is the co-director of
Important Projects.
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